The Billingham 5-Series includes the largest bags in the range and are popular among professionals and amateur photographers who must carry larger amounts of gear. The British company has launched an improved range, the MkII, with comfort and functional improvements.
There are as many "perfect bags" as there are photographers. Almost at least. This review features, following the philosophy of the M Files project, nine Non-Leica solutions for a rangefinder kit.
Waterfield Designs of San Francisco have moved into the highly competitive field of camera bags. The new Cargo Camera Bag offers a unique design and lots of storage — at a price...
If the Billingham Hadley Small is too small, or the Hadley Pro too big, then you need the midi version, the new Billingham Mini Eventer. It's on say today at £380 including tax...
What is it about camera bags – or even bags in general – that turns us into collectors? We can't get enough of 'em. Jonathan explains as he lays eyes on Fogg's latest, the all-leather SatchMo.
Just bought your new Leica M10 Monochrom? If so, this new grey/black version of the popular Billigham Hadley Small Pro is the perfect complement. You know you want one.
If that heavy camera bag is getting you down, why not try the comfortable, springy Absolute Shoulder Strap from Tom Bihn in Seattle. For me, it's worth its weight in gold.
Billingham bags have a strong reputation among photographers throughout the world. But Brady was the grandfather of the canvas fishing bag and still produces a range of dedicated designs. Mike takes a look at the history.
A rising British pound in the wake of last week's election will be good news for importers of photographic equipment and will benefit dealers, not just those selling new cameras but also specialists in classic equipment.