Tag: Leica Stores

News Round-up: Theft in Vienna, new 100mm Macro lens, camera strap protection

Here is a quick Tuesday round-up of some news items which arrived at Macfilos over the past seven days. Theft...

Leica takes over Meister Camera stores in three German cities

After 50 years of working closely with Leica, Meister camera is selling its three stores in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich to Leica Camera Deutschland GmbH to expand the German Leica Store network to 11 locations...

Leica posts best financial results in a century

Leica claims to have had its most best financial year in a century, despite contractions in the camera industry. Should this bring joy to the hearts of Leica fans?

London’s oldest existing Leica store to close

Richard Caplan, one of London's oldest independent Leica stores, is closing afer 25 years...

Stolen Leicas: Be on your guard for dodgy merchandise

Dear LHSA members and friends, As you may have heard, three Leica Stores in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New...

Meister Camera, Berlin’s leading Leica store

Wondering where to get your Leicas in Berlin? Mike has been doing the rounds.

Leica Q strip-down: Now put it all back together again

If you have half a day to spare, get out your magnetic screwdriver and dismantle your £4,000 Leica Q into a pile of spare parts and tiny screws. It's therapeutic.

The Leicas of Police Street

Whatever you do, don't overtake a Leica. This unmistakable Disco was found parked outside the recent Photographica fair in...

Leica Store and Gallery Konstanz: A new venue for photographers

Constance, in southern German is now on the Leica map: A new Leica Store which opened last weekend and a Leica Gallery will welcome visirtors from May 17.

Aperture’s new London store

Aperture's new Leica store is in the heart of London, minutes from Broadcasting House

London Leica Store really is open, honest

Leica's new Mayfair store in Duke Street, near Oxford Street, is now in full operation.

Leica Store on track for end of February

London's new Leica store is under construction