Tag: Billingham

Billingham 5-Series: The classic range updated with new features and refinement

The Billingham 5-Series includes the largest bags in the range and are popular among professionals and amateur photographers who must carry larger amounts of gear. The British company has launched an improved range, the MkII, with comfort and functional improvements.

The M Files (22): Which is the perfect bag for a rangefinder kit?

There are as many "perfect bags" as there are photographers. Almost at least. This review features, following the philosophy of the M Files project, nine Non-Leica solutions for a rangefinder kit.

Billingham adds black-leather trim to sage FibreNyte photo bags

It's not a big change, but for photo bag fans, the addition of new trim on the popular Billingham bag is big news. In response to customer demand, the popular sage product range is now available with black instead of brown leather trim...

Billingham launches the Mini Eventer camera bag

If the Billingham Hadley Small is too small, or the Hadley Pro too big, then you need the midi version, the new Billingham Mini Eventer. It's on say today at £380 including tax...

Billingham Turns True Blue: More temptation for the avid photographic bag collector

Something borrowed, something blue... The new navy blue range of photographic bags from classic manufacturer Billingham is so compelling you won't be borrowing. You'll be buying.

Which Billingham is best for your SL system?

Billingham make such a wide range of camera bags that it’s sometimes hard to decide which is best for...

Billingham Hadley Small Pro goes monochrome

Just bought your new Leica M10 Monochrom? If so, this new grey/black version of the popular Billigham Hadley Small Pro is the perfect complement. You know you want one.

Billingham’s Thomas: A briefcase for all occasions

Photographers tend to think of Billingham as a manufacturer of camera bags. But the range of general luggage is also worth a look. The handy Thomas briefcase/messenger bag is all rounder than can even accommodate your camera.

Suffering from Bag Shoulder? Try a Tom Bihn Absolute Shoulder Strap for size

If that heavy camera bag is getting you down, why not try the comfortable, springy Absolute Shoulder Strap from Tom Bihn in Seattle. For me, it's worth its weight in gold.

Brady, the grandfather of today’s canvas camera bag

Billingham bags have a strong reputation among photographers throughout the world. But Brady was the grandfather of the canvas fishing bag and still produces a range of dedicated designs. Mike takes a look at the history.

Thomas the burgundy Billingham: An alternative to the dedicated camera lugger

Want a less dedicated Billingham to carry around every day, fed up lugging a stuffed camera case? Billingham can offer Thomas the Bag and he now comes in a fetching burgundy colour.

An Earl Grey Teabag: In Kai Man Wong’s Billingham

I can't resist reading Bellamy Hunt's In Your Bag series on his popular site, Japan Camera Hunter. It's a bit...